Company news

On September 25, 2020, the staff of “Bolotov and Partners” together with the Academy of Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a webinar for practicing judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The webinar was dedicated to the training of judges with the support of practical aspects of how to identify fake and original goods, issues related to sanctions in civil cases, other relevant issues, related intelligence.

The purpose of the webinar was to raise the level of protection of trademarks in Kazakhstan, knowledge and experience of judges on issues of protection of intellectual property rights.

September 2020

Bolotov and Partners held a webinar for practicing judges of the RK

On September 25, 2020, the staff of “Bolotov and Partners” together with the Academy of Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan held […]
August 2020

Webinar Intellectual Property: In And After The Lockdown

? Invitation to webinar! ? Subject: Intellectual property: in and after the lockdown ? Date: August 25, 2020 at 11.00 a.m. ? Speakers: Yuri A. Bolotov, […]
July 2020

New vaccines against COVID-19

The World is fighting against COVID-19 and now we believe is coming the crucial day when new and really effective vaccines will not only be elaborated […]
July 2020

Meetings of the Appeal Board have been restarted

Please be informed that that the meetings of the Appeal Board under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been restarted. The meetings of the […]