When deciding on conclusion of a transaction or acquisition of assets of a company or a business, potential investors interested in obtaining accurate and reliable information related to financial condition of a company to be purchased, its production capacity and available tangible and intangible assets.
This information is required in order to identify possible risks of failure to fulfill obligations, invalidation of a transaction, imposition of arrest or collection on property (exclusive) rights, call for responsibility and etc. Similar information may also be required during foundation of a joint venture or during reorganization/restructuring of a company.
Due diligence is one of the most common ways to obtain information on the current situation and quality of intellectual property (IP) of a company.
Unfortunately, very often enterprises do not:
- estimate potential of IP for providing opportunities for future company profits;
- have full information about what IP objects are involved in their production and existence of valid rights to them;
- take into account perception of individual designations in other countries (peculiarities of culture of other countries, peculiarities of sound and meanings of trademarks in other languages);
- evaluate the cost of IP.
IP objects often have their own material value, which is not lower and sometimes exceeds value of the tangible assets of a company. For example, IP can bring income to company through licensing, selling or commercializing products and services protected by IP rights, which can significantly increase market value of a company in the market and increase net income.
Bolotov and Partners professionals have all the necessary capabilities: many years of experience and practice in conducting due diligence, technical specialists and reliable partners in the field of evaluation of IP objects.
Due diligence of IP objects/rights shall help:
- increase competitiveness of a company;
- increase value and good-will of a company which is important to attract investors and financial institutions;
- to transform intangible assets into exclusive property rights, even for a limited period of time.
We offer following services related to conducting due diligence of a company:
- Identification of intellectual property objects;
- Verification of documents confirming the fact and existence of intellectual property rights in a company (or drafting and obtaining such documents in the name of a company) or documents confirming that a company obtained such rights in the result of a transfer from third parties;
- Conducting an audit of intellectual property;
- Analysis and identification of potential risks of infringement to intellectual property rights;
- Consultation and preparation of a report on current situation and sustainability of analyzed IP objects/rights for making a decision on the planned transaction.
In this section, information concerning the section Due Diligence is published.
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Yuri Bolotov
Managing Partner
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