Preparation of expert opinions related to trademark infringements is one of our highly demanded services.
Expert opinion is a professional opinion issued by a certified patent attorney on the similarity of trademarks to the degree of confusion (or absence of such similarities) and the homogeneity of goods and services in respect of which a trademark is registered and in respect of which a designation is used.
Expert opinions are very important during court proceedings, since they can greatly influence the outcome of a particular case, as well as the opinion of the court. In addition, opinions are taken into account as evidence of the presence or absence of infringement to trademark rights in administrative and court proceedings.
Our professionals have more than 25 years of experience in the preparation of such opinions related to similarity or dissimilarity of a registered trademark with a designation used as a trademark, and necessary professional qualifications.
Information is published in this section, including useful news and articles relating to the section “EXPERT OPINION RELATED TO TRADEMARK RIGHTS INFRINGEMENT”.
Preparation of opinions by experts related to trademark rights infringement:
- confusingly similar trademarks (or absence of such similarities) with a designation used as a trademark;
- homogeneity of goods and/or services, which are taken into account as evidence of the presence or absence of trademarks rights infringement in court proceedings.
Information is published in this section, including useful news and articles related to
- Use and some aspects of limiting trademark rights;
- Reimbursement of part of the expenses for registration of trademarks abroad;
- Iran: Features of registration of trademarks and labeling of goods;
- Registration of a trademark in China.
In this section, information concerning the section Expert opinion related to trademark rights infringement is published.
Saule Kulzhambekova
Trademarks and Copyrights
Requests relating to section Trademarks - EXPERT OPINION RELATED TO TRADEMARK RIGHTS INFRINGEMENT can be forwarded to e-mail address: marked for Saule Kulzhambekova.
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