On September 20, 2022 Bolotov & Partners lawyers held free webinar on How to protect trademark rights during customs clearance of goods.
Webinar was moderated by Zhanat Nurmagambetov, Partner, who specializes in the field of protection of intellectual property rights (issues related to the application of pre-court, civil, administrative, criminal and customs enforcement of trademark rights, including issues related to parallel import and import of counterfeit goods).
The main topics that were discussed during the webinar were: customs clearance of goods containing the intellectual property objects (IPO) as an effective way of protection against infringement; brief procedure for including the goods into the customs register of Kazakhstan, the process of suspending the release of goods containing the IPO, as well as clarification of the liability for infringement of intellectual property rights.
The webinar was intended for Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, commercial organizations and professional associations of legal entities, which wanted to get free consultation on legal issues in the sphere of customs clearance and struggle against faked goods.
In case you have questions or need a free consultation, please contact us at info@BolotovIP.com marking the subject line Webinar on How to protect trademark rights during customs clearance of goods.