Olga Kalinovskaya
Trademark Agent
Trademark Agent
Practices & Industries
Kazakhstan Multiple-Discipline Institute “Parasat”, Master’s Degree in Translation, 2007
Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University, Teacher of Foreign Languages (English, German), 2005
Almaty Medical Institute, Medical Investigations, 1994
Olga is involved in registration of trademarks in Kazakhstan and CIS, drafting IP license and assignment agreements, prolongation of term of validity of trademarks, entering amendments into registered trademarks, conducts trademark searches and also works with correspondents in CIS countries and international bureau of WIPO on issues related to intellectual property items.
Practices & Industries
- Intellectual Property (registration of trademarks, conducting trademark searches, renewals of trademarks)
- Administrative Assistant, McGuireWoods Kazakhstan LLP, 2007-2010
- Translator, English Art Center, Almaty, 2007
- Certificate of WIPO on «General Course on Intellectual Property»
- English
- German
- Russian