Chief Trademark Specialist
Trademark & Patent Attorney
Kazakh State University named after Kirov, with Honors, chemist, 1975
Central Institute of Improvement of Professional Skills of Executives in the Field of Patent Work in "Patent Branch" major, Moscow, 1986
Gulzhikhan Nauruzova is a registered trademark & patent attorney of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She has more than 30 years of professional experience in the field of intellectual property protection. Since establishment of Patent Office Gulzhikhan worked in different structural divisions for about 20 years as a leading expert, head of department for trademarks and industrial designs and then as head of service for search of trademarks and industrial designs of Almaty branch. While working in the structural departments of the patent agency, Gulzhikhan provided training and retraining of experts in the field of intellectual property, and also participated in the development of legislative and methodical materials in the field of protection of intellectual property items. She was engaged in preparation of comparative analysis, represented interested of Patent Office at the pretrial and court proceedings in relation to cases on infringement of rights of intellectual property owners.
Mrs. Nauruzova was honored with medals and certificates of honor from the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Practices & Industries
- Intellectual Property (registration of intellectual property items, assignment agreements and use of intellectual property items, preparation of comparative analysis, conducting of patent and information searches related to intellectual property items.
- Lecturer at the Training Center, head of Search Service for Trademarks of the Branch of the State Enterprise "National Institute of Intellectual property" under the Committee of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2007-2011
- Senior expert, Head of Department of expertise of trademarks and industrial designs of the National Patent Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan,1992 – 2007
- Patent specialist of the Ministry of Local Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1982-1992
- Certificates of Honor and medal of the Committee of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the contribution in the development of the patent system, 2002, 2007 and 2013
- «Basics of Patent Law and Patent Work in the Republic of Kazakhstan» (in co-authorship with T. Kaudyrov, S. Kulzhambekova), 2003
- «Trademark as part of property of enterprise», Magazine «Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan», 2004
- «Not protectable elements of a trademark», «Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan» Magazine, 2005
- «Commercial value of a trademark», «Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan» Magazine, 2006
- Registered trademark & patent attorney of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration No.92, 2007
- Certificate of WIPO, (Geneva, Switzerland), OHIM (Alicante, Spain) and EPO (the Hague, the Netherlands), 2002
- Certificate of WIPO on General Course on Intellectual Property, 2001, Geneva
- Certificate of termination of High State Training for Executives related to Patenting and Invention, 1983.
- Seminars concerning trademarks protection, organized by Training Center of the branch of National Institute of Intellectual Property (2011, 2012)
- English
- Kazakh
- Russian