Report KONTRAFAKT in Kazakhstan project

May 2020

This is a pioneer online project in Kazakhstan dedicated to the protection of intellectual property. This site covers issues related to counterfeit products in Kazakhstan and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC). The project was created by our partner company BMF Research ( which has been professionally engaged in the search and disclosure of counterfeit goods and other infringements to intellectual property rights since 2014.

Report KONTRAFAKT project is also:

  • an informational and news site: all news and articles related to events connected to infringements to intellectual property items, methods and tools for fighting against such infringements, cases of detention of faked goods, smuggling and samples of successful fight against such crimes are gathered on this site.Visit section News…

  • an analytical site: all information found from news and articles is analyzed and appropriate informational charts are formed.Visit section Charts

  • a research site: special social opinion polls are conducted in order to determine the level of awareness of population on the issue of counterfeits, attitude of population to an issue of counterfeit products and etc.Please proceed with an opinion poll in the section Your opinion…

  • a social site: a site has a special form to fill in, where every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan may leave his/her comment in relation to a counterfeit product which he/she purchased or has seen on sale.Visit section Inform about counterfeits…

  • an educational site: there are blogs on the site, where in a simple way it is explained what is a counterfeit product and how one can be protected from faked goods. This section devoted both to the consumers and to the producers of original products. Visit section Blogs…Professionals in the sphere of protection of intellectual property and employees of the companies in charge of brand protection share their experience and their opinions on counterfeits in videos prepared by the project members.Watch videos in section Exclusive by

    Report Kontrafakt…

    • a project which consolidates producers of original products and official distributors:

    When BMF Research employees receive a complaint about counterfeit goods, they try to contact the right owner, that is, in most case the producer of the original product. If the producer of the original product is interested in eliminating counterfeit goods, then he or his representative by proxy can submit an application to the law enforcement bodies against the distributor/producer of counterfeit goods.

    Kazakh company Empire tells where to buy original jewelry and souvenir products of Empire brand in Kazakhstan.

    Jewelry and souvenirs Empire…

    The largest distributor of computer hardware and software ComPortal in Kazakhstan has its own section on the site where there are talks about how to avoid buying counterfeit copies of Windows and Office, how to properly participate in bids for purchase of Windows and Office software during public procurement tenders, how to recognize counterfeit goods and what are the advantages of buying and using original software and much more useful information.

    Visit section Licensed software…