We are proud of our awards and achievements that reflect our values.
Bolotov and Partners (formerly BMF Group) advises on intellectual property issues, deals with mergers and acquisitions, financial issues, and has extensive experience in the field of civil law disputes and trademark disputes. In 2014, Bolotov and Partners established a subsidiary, BMF Research & Consulting, which identifies potential and actual infringements of intellectual property rights. Managing Partner of the company - Yuri Bolotov. Legal 500 recommends Yuri Bolotov as a top lawyer on intellectual property issues.

Bolotov and Partners is recognized as the best company in Kazakhstan for intellectual property. It provides services exclusively in the field of intellectual property in various sectors of the economy, including telecommunications, transport, energy, industry, financial institutions. Yuri Bolotov is known for his work and rich experience in the field of application and protection of the right to intellectual property. It specializes in licensing and franchising issues. Saule Kulzhambekova has a good experience in the field of examination of trademarks, questions of infringement of rights to trademarks and patents, as well as cooperates with law enforcement agencies on issues of protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the results of 2014-2015, Bolotov and Partners in 2016 entered the top-10 enterprises-leaders by the criterion "Leader of the region" and received a gold rating among the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Yuri Bolotov lives in Kazakhstan and represents BMF Group LLP. It is very respected among our respondents, thanks to the ability to report commercial conversations and comprehensive understanding of the problem in the work of international and Kazakh clients on the issues of intellectual competence, as well as the principle of self-sufficiency. BMG Group LLP is the successor of McGuire Woods Kazakhstan LLP, which was based on the results of the division of the international company McGuireWoods LLP.

"Yuri Bolotov is the best trademark & patent attorney and trustee of trademarks in Kazakhstan. "Yuri Bolotov from McGuire Woods is noted for his work in the field of intellectual property, where he is one of the most famous and outstanding lawyers."

Asia Law & Practice recommends Yuri Bolotov as a leading lawyer on intellectual property issues in Kazakhstan.

Bolotov & Partners recognized by Pravo-300 International Rating in the IT/TELECOM/DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES and Intellectual Property (including disputes) fields.
We express our gratitude to the experts and clients for their high appreciation of our professional activity!