Company news

In the result of effective and timely actions, Bolotov & Partners stopped the illegal production of baby corn sticks in Karaganda city. Unfair individuals intended to use the reputation and wide recognition of our client’s trademark, launched production of corn sticks under the third party’s trademark, however their illegal actions were successfully terminated. Accordingly 242000 packages of counterfeit corn sticks were seized and destroyed.

The fight against counterfeiting is one of the main areas of practice of our company. Bolotov & Partners lawyers were one of the first to help Kazakhstani and foreign clients successfully protect intellectual property rights and prevent the production and distribution of counterfeit products, and continue to do so today.

Our specialists are responsible for determining the sources of counterfeit entry to the market, developing an appropriate strategy to eliminate counterfeit products.

September 2019

Success story:illegal production of baby corn sticks

In the result of effective and timely actions, Bolotov & Partners stopped the illegal production of baby corn sticks in Karaganda city. Unfair individuals intended to […]
September 2019

Success story: Termination of validity of trademarks due to their non-use

In the middle of 2018, an international corporation engaged in production of alcoholic beverages addressed Bolotov&Partners team for support in court proceedings related to protection of […]
August 2019

Welcome our chinese colleagues

关于公司 法律事务所”保乐多和合伙人们”有限责任公司于1994年在阿拉木图成立(。该公司是哈萨克斯坦知识产权问题领先企业之一,该公司将卓越的法律实践与解决客户问题的创造性方法相结合,专注于与客户和业务合作伙伴建立长期关系。该公司现在只处理有关或与知识产权密切相关的问题,在哈萨克斯坦市场经营了20多年,代表哈萨克斯坦,国外和国际生产和服务公司,银行,金融机构,共和国的和地方执行部门的利益。 过去几年,该公司被公认为是哈萨克斯坦知识产权领域最好的律师事务所。我们是目录 Legal 500 EMEA 2016-2017中唯一的公司。 我们公司在2017年被公认为是哈萨克斯坦知识产权问题最好的公司,并专注于为知识产权提供服务。 根据客户提供的信息,”保乐多和合伙人们”责任有限公司被中华人民共和国政府推荐为哈萨克斯坦和中亚知识产权问题的可靠合格公司。 根据国际Legal-500目录,该公司被认定为哈萨克斯坦的一级知识产权律师事务所。 根据研究和调查,Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2020 认可尤里保乐多是哈萨克斯坦最好的知识产权律师之一 我们邀请合作公司在其活动中需要高度熟练的法律援助,希望我们在知识产权领域对哈萨克斯坦和外国立法的专业经验和知识将有助于解决我们客户的问题。 我们的团队由高素质的律师和专利律师组成,是哈萨克斯坦和国外最好的大学的毕业生在工业界和研究机构拥有学位和经验,并且能流利地使用英语,哈萨克语,俄语和其他语言。在法律实践框架内,我们的员工和律师分享法律领域的最新创新成果,通知客户有关该扇形的最新发展。 我们: 从1994年以来在努力; 在只知识产权和有关事项方面提供法律服务; 迄今为止,我们的客户组合包括700多家公司; 我们在定员有狭窄的技术专家; 10位专利代理人; 除商标注册外,我们还在哈萨克斯坦和中亚国家市场从事假冒货的搜索工作; 我们为所有类型的知识产权服务工作,包括在法院代表,法律审计,意见准备,专利纠纷和著作权,纳入关册登记册等等; 被领先的国际评级公认为哈萨克斯坦最佳之一:The […]
August 2019

Bolotov & Partners has become a member of the Association ”Made in Kazakhstan“

Dear Partners and Friends! We want to share good news with you – Bolotov & Partners has joined the Association of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs ‘Made in […]